Our team takes pride in its impeccable reputation earned through our honesty, professionalism, experience, and commitment to ensuring justice. Regardless of the complexity of your case, you can rely on us as a trusted partner ready to protect your interests.
We take pride that the firm "Klinkov, Pahomov & Partners" is an oasis of trust and professionalism where every client can be assured of quality legal service.
Our goal is not just to provide high-quality services but also to see the case through to completion, achieving the best possible outcome for our client.
At our law firm, we combine a high level of expertise with unwavering ethics and reliability. Our approach is based on thorough analysis of each situation, flexibility, deep understanding of legislation, and individual needs of clients.
For us, the client always comes first. We guarantee that every case will be handled to completion with maximum professionalism and attention to all details, providing our clients with complete confidence in success.
Our law firm does not claim to be the first in Russia, but the level of results achieved by our attorneys speaks to its leadership.
A high-ranking official has been acquitted on 2 counts of criminal charges.
Высокопоставленное должностное лицо оправдано по 2 эпизодам преступлений
Заместитель председателя коллегии Клинков Д.А. осуществлял защиту должностного лица.
09 июня 2022 года Московским городским судом вынесен приговор по уголовному делу с грифом «совершенно секретно» в отношении доверителя У…С.В. – одного из руководителей управления «Т» оперативно-поискового бюро МВД России, обвиняемого в совершении преступлений, предусмотренных ч. 6 ст. 290 УК РФ (два эпизода), п. «б» ч. 2 ст. 285.4 (два эпизода) и ч. 3 ст. 285 УК РФ (четыре эпизода) – по фактам получения взяток в особо крупном размере и злоупотреблении должностными полномочиями в сфере исполнения государственных контрактов. Судом первой инстанции доверитель был приговорен к 6 годам лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в колонии строгого режима, без штрафа, с сохранением специального звания «полковник полиции».
При повторном рассмотрении апелляционной жалобы адвоката Клинкова Д.А. первым апелляционным судом общей юрисдикции приняты во внимание доводы защитника – доверитель полностью оправдан по 2 эпизодам преступлений, предусмотренных ч. 6 ст. 290 УК РФ. Обвинение по двум эпизодам преступлений, предусмотренных п. «б» ч. 2 ст. 285.4 УК РФ, переквалифицированы на преступление, предусмотренное ч. 1 ст. 285.4 УК РФ, уголовное преследование по которому прекращено за истечением сроков давности. Обвинение в совершении преступления, предусмотренного ч. 3 ст. 285 УК РФ, переквалифицировано на совершение преступления, предусмотренное ч. 1 ст. 285 УК РФ, доверитель освобожден из-под стражи в зале суда.
The Financial Director of JSC "RAO ES of the East" was acquitted in the court of first instance.
Chairman of the Collegium Pakhomov K.V. provided legal defense for the Financial Director of JSC "RAO ES of the East," who was accused of inciting embezzlement of funds in an especially large amount by the leaders of a subsidiary-dependent company. The court of first instance found the defendant not guilty and acquitted him of the charges brought under Part 4, Article 33, Part 4, Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, based on paragraph 2, part 2, article 302, paragraph 1, part 1, article 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, due to his non-involvement in the crime.
A well-known blogger has been acquitted three times by a jury.
Head of the criminal practice at the law firm "Klinkov, Pakhomov & Partners," Lenznikova V.V., secured an acquittal from a jury for a well-known blogger. It was she who conducted her own attorney investigation, thereby brilliantly preparing the evidence base in favor of her client. Due to the complexity and sensational nature of the case, the jurors had to deliver an acquittal three times. Ultimately, thanks to the professionalism of Attorney Lenznikova V.V., the Novosibirsk Regional Court, with the participation of a jury, rendered an acquittal in relation to the accused charged under Part 1, Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant was released from custody, and the verdict came into force.
The criminal case has been returned to the prosecutor's office.
Honorary Lawyer of Russia, head of the arbitration practice of the collegium, Melkov A.V., defended the deputy chairman of the board of AKC "ROSENERGOBANK," who was accused of committing a crime under Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant was released from custody, and the criminal case was returned to the prosecutor.
Suspended sentence for officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Leading lawyer of the collegium Kuznetsov P.E. provided comprehensive defense for high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the director of a major enterprise, who were accused of committing crimes under Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, resulting in damage exceeding 800 million rubles. Thanks to the professional work of lawyer Kuznetsov P.E., the defendants managed to change their pre-trial detention measure to house arrest and achieve a result in the form of a suspended prison term.
Fraud, corruption crimes: both official and commercial, abuse of authority, illegal banking activities, crimes against the person.
To prevent problems at the outset and take proactive measures, we are chosen by: large businesses, holdings, banks, international companies, and IT firms.
Bankruptcy, corporate disputes, arbitration court proceedings, family law, deprivation of parental rights, inheritance disputes.
One of the strongest legal teams in Russia, known for its acquittals and successful resolution of complex challenges. In our work, the law firm is based on a detailed analysis and clear presentation of the set of problems.
We combine this analysis with our extensive experience working in various law enforcement agencies, as well as our knowledge of the peculiarities of legislation and judicial practice, which allows us to accurately predict the actions of our opponents.
By turning to us, you get not only competent representation, but also a strategic approach to your case.